Copy both files (arabic32.exe for Windows 95 OR
arabic16.exe for Windows 3.1) and (arabible.exe) to a temp
directory, and then run them both.
This will extract all he files needed for installation. Reboot
your PC, change to that directory (temp) and run setup. Follow
Please note that if you want to copy the files to floppies, You just copy all files in this temp directory to 2 disks or more, and then give it to friend, The later will then copy all files to a temp on his disk drive and run setup.
When installation is done and you are ready to run the program for the first time, The first dialog window you will get is the language of the interface, that looks like this, as you will notice, there is no Arabic option for that one (we are still working on a full Arabic version :) any way you just choose the language that you prefer. A restore dialog window will show up that look like this ,asking you for the data module that will be used. All what you have to do is to show the path to this data module file, which in our case is located in the temp directory where you unzipped the files. In the Arabic data module case the file is called ARABIC.101 will be shown in the most right subwindow, Click on this file (ARABIC.101) you should now see the word ARABIC on the left side of the restore dialog window. If so click OK and the Arabic text will be copied to your bible directory. Don't worry about the error message it is just a reminder. After it finishes copying click on all done, it will prompt you to insert the unlock disk in a drive that looks like this. This is only for whom they initially installed the program from a CD, so don't install just click on All Done. Follow the rest of the instructions. When the online program shows, the first thing you should do is to choose the help menu. If you have installed more than one data module, you can select the version you like to use, by clicking on the Select Version menu and highlight the version you would like to use.
OK! Here you are done ...
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